Posted 3 years ago

Christmas Bird Count 2021


18 Tsothóhrha/December 2021 – The Kahnawà:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) once again joined the 86th Annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC), organized by Bird Protection Quebec. The CBC is a citizen-science project that covers two 24-km wide circles; one centered in Montreal West and the other in Hudson. The goal is to collect important data on the birds that inhabit these regions each winter.

In Kahnawà:ke, KEPO staff and other volunteers split into two teams to conduct the CBC; one in the seaway area and one inland.

Here are the results from this year’s CBC:

A few of the images captured by the participants:

All are welcome to participate in future Christmas Bird Counts; whether you are an experienced birder or a newbie. Check back in December 2022 for information on next year’s bird count.

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